Reputation Management Dashboard and Single Keyword Dashboard Updates
  1. We added a sentiment column to the SERP Results table on the Reputation Management Dashboard
    Reputation Sentiment Column.png-6009

  2. You can now sort by the Result Type, URL, and Displayed Title columns in the SERP Results table on the Reputation Management Dashboard and the Single Keyword Dashboard

Sort by result type.png-8406

Major UI Navigation Update

Over the past year, we've been dealing with dashboard drill through bugs where the url kept accumulating more query params, and sometimes you would get to a dashboard and see errors in all the widgets. We would fix those where we found them, and otherwise recommended users delete all the search params in the URL and reapply filters / view options. While there are no major visual changes, today we launched a massive update to our link navigation that should solve all those problems, and make it even easier for us to add more drill through links.

The primary thing you'll notice is that the URL will be more legible and not quite as long as before. While we have put redirects in place so that your old bookmarks should take you to the correct reports, we recommend that you update your bookmarks to the new link structure. Please let us know via chat if you see anything not working as expected. This should be a major quality of life improvement for those of you regularly navigating through the app.

Every table across Nozzle just got an upgrade

We have revamped the tables throughout Nozzle to give you more control and more options to examine your data.

Table Filters

The filters that used to be underneath the table headers have been moved to the top of the table.

  • Every filterable column is in the FILTER dropdown menu.
  • Some featured filters may show up to the right of the FILTER button and provide a bird’s eye view of some of the values. You can simply click on some of the data you see to immediately select that filter.

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3-dot menu button

  • There are 3 copy options here so you can copy the elements of the table as Excel, CSV JSON.

3 dot.png-966

Global Search

  • The search function goes through every single full text searchable field on the table to find what you’re looking for.

Column Visibility

  • You can select exactly which columns you want to analyze so if you only want to see Keyword, Rank, and Estimated Traffic, you can do that and remove all the other columns.
  • This is currently not persisted, so everything will be reset if you leave the page. We are working to make it a persisted setting in the near future.
  • Right now, it’s great for setting up the kind of screenshots you want to share with clients or managers.

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Group By

  • Select how you want to group the data in the table - by keyword, rank, unique URL, etc. - and focus on those specific elements.

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You’ll see these upgrades across all of Nozzle, whether it’s the normal rank tracking dashboards, the keyword manager, or topic clustering.

Bug fixes and new classifications

We just released another update with some more bug fixes and added classifications
In particular, the new result classifications are:

“Mentioned In”
This is a result within an organic result that effectively adds visual authority by referencing a website that mentioned the URL.

“Interactive Game”
These results contain an interactive game that can be played without leaving the SERP. This type of result can also link to a website (such as in the case of educational games).

Bug Fixes

Organic Result
• We have updated URL and description collection process

Organic Result with Video
• The description collection process has been updated

Product Result
• This update updates how we collect price data and will ensure that product results have either a URL or an interactive feature

Perspective Result
• Now we can identify perspective results items in a pack

Updates, enhancements, and fixes

We’ve just pushed out a big update that improves, streamlines, and resolves several issues.

Favicon detection

  • We have switched from string match to numeric range of favicon sizes
  • This means favicons are now identified when an image height/width is between 16px and 36px
  • The definitions were also added to help the system discern between favicons and icon-images

Travel Card Packs

  • The new travel-related scrolling card packs in mobile SERPs are now identified as either Video, Hotel, or MapTravel

Weather Card Packs

  • The new daily weather scrolling card packs in mobile SERPs are now identified

Story Item Detection

  • Story items were getting missed due to favicons not being detected properly

Organic Card Pack

  • We added a definition for organic card packs that were being incorrectly identified as “jobs”

Forum Sub-Items

  • We have added a “Forum” sub-item to the list of sub-items that were found in the expander items (PeopleAlsoAsk, ThingsToKnow, etc.)

Organic Store ISE Link

  • There is now support for a RelatedPhrase link that sometimes appears in the organic store pack/item

Video Result Metadata

  • The definitions for title and metadata handlers for video results have been updated.

Local Buttons with Text

  • We added support for local buttons that have text in them

These updates will help enhance and improve your SERP tracking and open new opportunities to examine more data. If you have any questions or feedback, be sure to reach out to us and let us know.

Setting up an SSO in Nozzle

Does your company rely on SSO (Single Sign-On) to make it easier and more secure to manage multiple login credentials?

Nozzle allows you to easily get set up with SSO, we just need a little information from your identity provider, and you’ll need a little info from us, too.

So, we just published this new article to provide all the information you need to get started.

New UI and Keyword Clustering Tool

Check out Nozzle’s new look.

We have just implemented an update to the UI in Nozzle.

This is mostly a navigational UI refresh, and all your existing dashboards should be unaffected. The changes are mainly focused on creating an even better user experience.

The top menu items have moved to the left, into a menu that can be minimized to let you use even more of the screen real estate to explore your dashboards.

Keyword Clustering Tool
In this new menu, you will also see a new tool: Topic Clusters.

With this tool, you can change the way you do content marketing strategy.

Topic/keyword clustering has been a tedious process in the past, but now, all you have to do is add your keywords, and we will generate your clusters in minutes.

This tool is currently still in an alpha state, but it is available if you’d like to try it out for yourself. Simply submit a request to activate it with the name of the Project you'd like us to activate it on.

You can learn more about this tool and its features here:

How Our Keyword Clustering Works
Comparing Nozzle’s Keyword Clustering to Other Tools

Updates to dashboards and Brand Manager

This week’s update includes more improvements on the Single Keyword dashboard, the Import YouTube Video URLs functionality, and the usability on the Brands manager page.

Single Keyword Dashboard Updates

The SERP Results table on the Single Keyword dashboard has been modified to display – by default – one result per rank. Previously, if something like a PAA showed up in the first position, every question in the PAA would also be included as part of the #1 ranking.

serp results table.png

This new view makes it easier to take everything in at a glance and to see more of the SERP’s structure at once.

However, if you want to see how the sitelinks, PAAs, and other features are impacting the SERP, you can click the new Expand Items button.

This will give you the ability to see which sitelinks are showing up, what the actual questions are in the PAA, and other important data points.

Video Upload Updates

In the Brand Manager, you can use the Import YouTube Videos button to quickly import videos in bulk. This update ensures that the import process will not grab any previous videos that have already been imported to your Workspace.

You will also see at the bottom of the import modal that the green Add Videos button now includes a number. If you are selecting certain videos instead of just importing everything found by this method, you can see a running tally right here.

add videos number.png

Brand Manager Page Updates

The Add Common Properties lineup of button at the bottom of the Brand Manager page allowed users to select a brand asset to add, but then the button would disappear and, if you wanted the same property again, you’d have to select the Add Property button and then find the one you wanted in the menu.

buttons remain.png

Now, the buttons stay where they are, so you can add several domains, subdomains, or even social media profiles more quickly and conveniently.

Be sure to check out this article to learn more about using Nozzle to track your entire brand.

Advanced keyword input mode fixes and improvements

This week we have fixed some bugs and made improvements to the Advanced mode for inputting your keywords. (Check out this page for more information on the different Keyword Input Modes/Source Types)

In the Advanced keyword input mode, there was a bug in the Devices|Locales table, in which the Locales link didn’t work as intended. This has been resolved and is working correctly.

There was also an issue with the Import Keywords functionality that caused a problem if more than one Locale ID was include in a single cell in the spreadsheet. That has been fixed so the import will work more smoothly.

We’ve also changed to terminology that we use to describe the different Keyword Source types to help avoid confusion.
Now, when you click on Add Keyword Source, you’ll see these options:
select source 2.png
And, when you arrive on the Keyword Manager page, we’ve changed the dropdown menu to make it more visible and more clear what mode you’re in. And, since this mode is the one that allows you to upload a spreadsheet with your keywords/groups/locales/devices, we’ve made that clearer in the name.
source mode.png

Bug Fixes in the Single Keyword Dashboard (and more)

A few bug fixes to cover this week:

On the Single Keyword dashboard, the joint scrolling on the SERP Results chart and the HTML snapshot were a little out of sync. This has been improved for a better user experience and to ensure everything moves together smoothly.

The CTR metric button just under the Rollup section of the dashboards had a bug that was increasing the number shown there by an unnecessary multiplier. This didn’t affect the numbers in the charts, just in this one place. We hunted that bug down and squashed it so that is back to showing the correct CTR.

The Import YouTube Videos option for adding your videos to your brand had a bug that was causing it to find up to 50 videos from the specified channel, but then grab a range of random videos from all over YouTube.

This has been corrected, and now, if you want to add videos to your brand (or your competitors’ brands) the Import YouTube Videos button will pull in up to 500 videos from the specified channel.

Expand mini-charts to full size

Some clients have requested the ability to expand the mini-charts on all of our dashboards to full size to more easily analyze their historical performance.

This is now available on every mini-chart on every dashboard.

So, you can expand the Top, Winners, and Losers charts on the Share of Voice, By Keyword, By URL, By Segment,, and By Keyword Group dashboards, as well as the three mini-charts on the Overview dashboard (Keyword Groups, Segments, URLs)

Just click the Expand button on any of these charts and get a broader view of its performance.

winners expand button.png

winners expanded.png

New Single Keyword Dashboard Features

On the Single Keyword Dashboard, there is a new feature and an big update to one of the charts.

Right above the SERP snapshot, we now include a quick summary of the CTR percentage distribution. This was requested by clients who wanted to know more about how the tool breaks down the estimated clickthrough rate for each SERP.

ctr distribution 2.png

The SERP Results table on this page has also been updated for better usability.

The default setting now includes Rank and Paid Adjusted Rank, which makes it easier to immediately see that information, but we’ve also made some other changes.

serp results chart.png

The first column now shows the Result Type, so you can see exactly what is showing up at the top of the SERP. Is it an organic result? A site link? A PAA box? You can now determine that at a glance.

You’ll then see the URL that ranks in that position, followed by the Title. This means you can quickly analyze the type of Text that Google is using for those listings.

Users can also add more columns to this chart to explore the SERPs. With a couple clicks, you can find out which entries have Prices, Reviews, FAQs, and more.

Take a look at these new features to get a better understanding of your own SERPs.

Calculate Your Monthly SERPs & Enhance Your Nozzle Vision

New SERP Calculator added to billing page and website

Users can now easily determine how many SERPs they need - and their estimated costs for that many SERPs - right in the app on the billing page.

Simply click the Usage Calculator button to bring it up and it will automatically populate with all your current projects and keyword sources.

This makes it easy to see exactly how many SERPs you’re currently pulling each month and whether you could be tracking more keywords.

billing calc.png

Try playing around with these numbers to get a feel for how you can effectively use your SERPs and – if you find that a few more SERPs than your current plan allows would be extremely helpful – the calculator even recommends the best plan for that level of data (along with any overages).

Above the Fold line in Nozzle Vision

The Single Keyword dashboard features our proprietary Nozzle Vision which makes it easy to visualize metrics and rankings on the SERPs.

The Above the Fold % is an important metric, and while you could see exactly where that percentage went from positive to negative in Nozzle Vision, you had to pay close attention to spot that line.

One of our users suggested that we add an actual line onto this view so it was possible to immediately see where the fold actually was, and we thought that was a great idea.

above the fold line.png

So, thanks to that user, and check out this new feature on the Single Keyword dashboard.

Backend Updates - ImagePack and RefineBy

Google has been serving up images packs that contain organic links, an example is pictured below. We recently cleaned up our parsing system to better handle those kinds of packs.

Google started experimenting with combining SearchTabs with RefineBy buttons as pictured below. We adjusted extractor to compensate.

Other recent updates include fixes for:

  • translate packs with images
  • organic packs that have multiple images wrapped in a single < a > tag
  • organic packs that have an external google domain link (,,,,, etc.)
  • a more sophisticated identification of flight and dictionary packs
Custom Tracking Schedule Fix

Just a quick update this week:

Setting Dates for Custom Tracking Schedules Bug

There was a bug causing an isssue setting an end date for a cutom tracking schedule. This was apparent for clients who wanted to track their keywords hourly during Prime Days and Black Friday and daily the rest of the time.

Our team has hunted down this bug and got everything on track again, so users can set a custom schedule to meet their exact needs.

Better Searches, Video Imports, Just Another Bug Hunt

A few updates and bug fixes to share this Wednesday.

Import YouTube Videos
The Import YouTube Videos modal has been updated so that users can once again select all of the videos or check certain ones to add to their Brand.

Search Functionality
The search function in on the Keyword Phrase chart in the Keyword Manager was originally using a “match string” search, but we tried a “fuzzy search” temporarily. We decided to change this back to the string search because, while fuzzy searches have their benefits, we found that the more traditional search methods to be more valuable.

Bug Fix in Progress
Clicking the green checkmark button to extend the number of rows shown in a chart wasn’t working correctly. That has been fixed everywhere in the app except the Keyword Phrases chart in the Keyword Manager.

Clicking the green checkmark on that chart will refresh the entire page without saving anything. The dev team is currently running down this bug. Until then, you can get around this bug by simply hitting “Enter” on your keyboard instead of the green checkmark.

Renderer Updated – SERP Measurement Tool Now Lines Up Visually

Renderer is the internal tool that Nozzle uses to get all SERP, Result and DOM measurements. In the past, Renderer measurements were off by a pixel or two for each Result, meaning that Nozzle's Vision tool didn’t line up exactly with the actual SERP features. This error was primarily occurring in Desktop.

We’re excited to announce that we have updated the dependencies used for Renderer, so now even that small amount of error doesn’t exist and your experience with Nozzle Vision should be enhanced.

Importing Functionality from Select Rank Trackers (Beta)

You can now import keywords, projects, and brands from the following keyword rank trackers in addition to Google Search Console:

  • Accuranker
  • RankWatch
  • SERPWoo
  • SEOMonitor

There are three places you can use the import button:

  • From within the Project Dashboard
  • From within an existing Project
  • From within an existing Keyword Source

We'd love any feedback from any of you as you are testing it out. The importer is in beta mode, so we would appreciate your help in pointing out any bugs you find while importing your keywords from these rank tracker tools.

For step-by-step instructions on how to import keywords, click to view Nozzle's knowledge base.

Create New Brand Directly from the Share of Voice Dashboard

When on the Share of Voice dashboard, you can now create a new brand by clicking the new gear next to the domain. A modal will open up to let you customize that new Brand without having to go over to the Brand Settings area.

You can do the same when either the Subdomain or URL Rollup is selected and you can also add them to an existing Brand.

Change in PPC Value Calculations Because...Google

Historically, we have pulled in new search volume and CPC data from the Google Adwords API on the first of each month. This CPC data has been used to calculate our PPC Value metric.

Google is sunsetting the Adwords API on Aprill 27, 2022, and along with it, the CPC data that everyone in digital marketing is used to. Starting April 1st, 2022 Nozzle is now going to pull data from the newer Google Ads API which has replaced one CPC data point with several data points.

Moving forward, we are going to take the average of the "low_top_of_page_bid" and "high_top_of_page_bid" data points given to us to calculate CPC. Based off of some intial analysis, the new CPC numbers and, therefore, Nozzle's PPC Value metric will both be significantly larger than before.

Below are two examples of what we are dealing with:

Keyword Phrase: "Toyota Camry 2020 price"
Old CPC: $3.423206
low_top_of_page_bid: 19.66
high_top_of_page_bid: 119.03
New CPC: $69.345

Keyword Phrase: "iphone 13 pro max"
Old CPC: $4.147456
low_top_of_page_bid: 51.81
high_top_of_page_bid: 143.48
New CPC: $97.645

For those of you who care about this metric, it will take some time to get used to the change, but eventually we will get used to it.

Google Search Console Dashboard

As the next step to integrating GSC with Nozzle, you can now import all the Performance data from GSC into Nozzle.

Projects Settings Gear From Dashboards

There's a new settings gear in the dashboard which allows you to quickly move to the settings area where you can add/edit/manage keywords, brands and/or segments.

Widgets Have Reset Button

Widgets now have a reset button to revert them back to the “original” or intended state we designed them to be in.

This is useful, for example, if you select to view 50 rows in the Winners widget, then you can easily click reset to revert back to 5 rows.

Shorter and Cleaner URL Structure

While not yet 100% backwards compatible, URLs continue to save all of your dashboard state and now they are even smaller than ever. (by about 60%).

They also look a bit less scary.

URLs Have A Clickable Icon

URLs now have a special clickable icon to make opening the actual URL in a new tab more obvious and deliberate.