Backend Updates - ImagePack and RefineBy

Google has been serving up images packs that contain organic links, an example is pictured below. We recently cleaned up our parsing system to better handle those kinds of packs.

Google started experimenting with combining SearchTabs with RefineBy buttons as pictured below. We adjusted extractor to compensate.

Other recent updates include fixes for:

  • translate packs with images
  • organic packs that have multiple images wrapped in a single < a > tag
  • organic packs that have an external google domain link (,,,,, etc.)
  • a more sophisticated identification of flight and dictionary packs
Renderer Updated – SERP Measurement Tool Now Lines Up Visually

Renderer is the internal tool that Nozzle uses to get all SERP, Result and DOM measurements. In the past, Renderer measurements were off by a pixel or two for each Result, meaning that Nozzle's Vision tool didn’t line up exactly with the actual SERP features. This error was primarily occurring in Desktop.

We’re excited to announce that we have updated the dependencies used for Renderer, so now even that small amount of error doesn’t exist and your experience with Nozzle Vision should be enhanced.